Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone out there had a wonderful holiday!  I know I did, but I am excited about what 2014 has to offer. 

I try not to make resolutions.  I never seem to keep them and end up feeling a little depressed about it.  I do have big plans this year and whether or not I accomplish them remains to be seen, but I plan on having lots of fun trying.

First off, I want to congratulate S.G.Tillery, an up and coming author, and my best friend's sister-in-law for publishing her book.  You can find 'Mystic' on Kindle.  I am on chapter 3 and so far I find it very interesting and I am really looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Seeing someone publish a book made me wonder how long I plan on sitting on my own book idea before I actually sit down and write it.  So one of my plans this year is to write this book that has been dancing around in my head for years.  Even if it never becomes a hit, and even if everyone hates it, I will be glad that I finally accomplished it. 

I really want to take Project Housewife to the next level.  These last several months of playing around with the video camera and blogs and website have been fun, but it's time to have more followers out there so that I am actually entertaining others besides myself.  I really hope to make my Youtube channel more popular, and have several skit type videos in mind.  I also plan on doing some product reviews for household items and some pinterest nailed it or failed it videos.  I think having some guest housewives on would be awesome too.

I also plan to blog more.  More than anything, I thinking blogging will help me in my overall writing technique, so I can accomplish that book.

Another plan I have in mind is to lose weight.  Seriously this time.  I am getting older and it's actually starting to affect my health.  Also I would like to squeeze out at least one child in this lifetime and if I keep this weight on it may never happen. 

I am going to join the weight loss competition at my husband's work and hopefully this will keep me motivated.  I hope to win so that I can get another tattoo.  I am itching for a new one.  Seven ink spots just isn't cutting it anymore.

These are my plans, at least the ones I can think of right now.  I think I may have some serious ADD and I need to sit down and make a list of everything I want to do.  I am working on a binder to help organize my life.  It was put on hold until I took down the decorations and get my craft area in order.  Now that those things are done maybe I can finish that part up.

That's all for now.  I never know how to end these blogs properly.  I always want to end it like a journal. 

Until next time!
Love Kris!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning me!

    Writing a list is a great idea. I write lists for everything and I really feel like it's helpful. I sat down and wrote out my goals for the year, so that I can check them off as I accomplish each one. Hopefully it helps you, too!
