Tuesday, October 8, 2013

You've Been Boo'ed!

Happy Tuesday everyone!  It's Kris here at Project Housewife and I am going to give a quick tutorial on a favorite Halloween tradition typically known as You've Been Boo'ed.

I first learned about this when I worked in a large office.  It was quite fun walking up to your desk and finding a treat and not knowing who it was from.  Of course, once you have been boo'ed then you get to be the sneaky one and boo someone else. Even though I experienced this fun little tradition in an office, you can, and I think, should, experience this in your neighborhood.  I think that is where the tradition started anyways.  I think it's a good way to interact with your neighbors and have a little neighborhood fun.

You can be as creative as you want with this. 

First, go to this website - http://www.beenbooed.com/ and print out the sheet they have available.

Then gather everything together that you are going to use to boo a neighbor. 

The packaging can be whatever you want.  I found this ghost canister at Walmart for $2.50.  I always have spare cloth and ribbon lying around so I will be using that as well.  You can easily use goody bags or tissue paper.

I took the clothe and cut off about a third of it to place inside the canister, just for looks.  I gathered up the four corners and then the four folded corners.  I turned it upside down and placed it in the canister. 

Now it looks like soft green cushioning.

Next. if you have some tall pieces to put in the canister, start with those first, and put them towards the back. 

If you want to put some candy in there, I would do that next.  I am stalking up on candy because last year we had a lot more trick or treaters than anticipated.  I got three bags at the dollar store and just used a few of those pieces for this.

Go ahead and put whatever you have left on top of the candy and in front of the taller pieces. 

Next place your filled canister in the center of your cloth or tissue paper.  Place the lid next to it, if you are unable to put it on top.

Gather up the four corner's, and then the four folded corner's, and tie it up with a rubber band.

Add some ribbon and you're Boo'ed poem and it's ready to go.

I think, in total, this cost me about $9.00.  You can easily go cheaper, and remember, you are only going to be doing this for one or two neighbor's.  There's no reason to go broke on this!  HAHA

When you are able, sneak over and place this on your neighbor's front porch.

I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial and had fun with it.

Remember to be safe this Halloween!!

***Make sure to visit my website with link's to all my other really cool stuff.  http://www.projecthousewife.com/***

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