Friday, October 4, 2013

Love you Daddy

Well, amidst all the things going on in my life right now, I have to stop and reflect today.  Four years ago my beloved Dad passed away.  He had Lewy Body Dementia and it was horrible.  Just horrible.  But I try not to dwell on that horrible short period of his life and think of all the good things about my Daddy.

I met him when I was in fourth grade.  He began dating my mom at that point and so we got to know his biological daughter.  We had a lot of fun growing up.  We are all very feisty females so we of course fought a lot, but we would defend each other to the death from anyone else if it came to it.

My dad was great.  He accepted four girls as his own daughter's when he didn't have to.  He knew we needed a dad after the first one abandoned us.  He made sure we felt loved and that not every man out there is going to abandon his kids. 

He was very funny and always wanted to see us smile.  He loved his grandchildren very much.  I got into some serious arguments about how he refused to get rid of the old kids toys in his house.  He wanted to make sure the kids had plenty to play with.

He was so great to my husband.  He was proud of who my husband was becoming despite his past.

I love my Dad so much and sometimes I listen to the tape recorder that still has his voice on it.  He used it to remind himself of things, but all he managed to ever record was "testing testing" and a couple more sentences. 

I know my Dad is looking down on us from Heaven and he is so proud of all of us. 

Thank you for being our dad Robert.  ***Love you***

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