Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's October!

It's finally October!  I can't tell you how long I have been waiting for it.  At least since June.  I'm trying to have fun with it this year.

Halloween is one of my husband's favorite holidays.  Mine is Christmas, so my decorating focus has always been on that.  Now I am starting to add more to the Halloween/Fall decor.  It's a slow but sure process.

I like to hit the various dollar stores.  A lot of things look cheap but on occasion, I find something good.

I am more prone to cheerful and playful Halloween decorations.  I don't like scary Halloween decor.  It might have to do with the mixed feelings I have always had with this holiday.  My protestant/Christian upbringing has always made me feel like having anything to do with Halloween is wrong.  But, I find it hard to believc having cute decorations and handing candy out to kiddos is in some way evil.

So welcome to October everyone!  I hope you have a great month!

***Check out my website at www.projecthousewife.com for links to all my other cool stuff!***

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