Thursday, November 21, 2013

Where am I with this Project

It's been a couple of week's since I have posted a blog, or a recipe blog, or a video.  I have been super busy.  Sometimes life just get's in the way.  I had a whole schedule planned out but nothing is lining up properly. 

I have been dealing with sick family members, and the never ending cleaning that is my house.  Plus, I decided to go ahead and put up my Christmas decorations.  I tried to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I just felt to festive to wait.

I have also been dealing with my anxiety.  I feel like I shouldn't talk about it but hey, let's be honest, everyone has some little issue and mine is anxiety. 

Anyways,  I haven't been keeping up with Project Housewife the way I ought to, but I will try and do better.  I appreciate anyone out there who is paying attention to me right now. 

I have only a handful of people paying any attention and I hope to gain a bigger following, but if I am helping anybody out there, or making anyone's life more enjoyable for even a brief moment, then I guess this is all worth while.

Talk to you soon.

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