Thursday, November 21, 2013

Where am I with this Project

It's been a couple of week's since I have posted a blog, or a recipe blog, or a video.  I have been super busy.  Sometimes life just get's in the way.  I had a whole schedule planned out but nothing is lining up properly. 

I have been dealing with sick family members, and the never ending cleaning that is my house.  Plus, I decided to go ahead and put up my Christmas decorations.  I tried to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I just felt to festive to wait.

I have also been dealing with my anxiety.  I feel like I shouldn't talk about it but hey, let's be honest, everyone has some little issue and mine is anxiety. 

Anyways,  I haven't been keeping up with Project Housewife the way I ought to, but I will try and do better.  I appreciate anyone out there who is paying attention to me right now. 

I have only a handful of people paying any attention and I hope to gain a bigger following, but if I am helping anybody out there, or making anyone's life more enjoyable for even a brief moment, then I guess this is all worth while.

Talk to you soon.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Month of Thanks

November is a great month.  Here in Texas, things finally start to cool down temperature wise.  We can finally wear sweaters without getting hot half way through the day. 

I have a substantial bubble gum stash after Halloween was over, and now I have begun my semi yearly cleaning to get ready for Christmas.  I have lots of cleaning to do this year it seems too.  A lot of dust seems to have accumulated in places unseen around the house and I only hope my allergies can take it. 

I always decorate early for Christmas but I still completely love Thanksgiving.  I am one of those people who updates their Facebook status with a daily thanks, and I even started on time this year too!

While I appreciate everything and everyone in my life, sometimes it's good to voice it out loud. (or over the social media in our new technological world.)  So here it goes,

I am thankful for my husband, who works so hard to provide and take care of me.  He has a great sense of humor, and a great butt too.  I love that he will blush when he finds out that I just wrote that.  He is kind and loyal almost to a fault, and will always be there to help someone out.  Love him.

I am thankful for my Mommy.  We butted heads a lot when I was a teenager, but have become so very close through adulthood.  I love her so much, and she is the reason I am who I am today.  I am proud of her.

I am thankful for my Dad.  I know he is smiling down from Heaven right now.  He was a great dad.  He loved his girls and he was always a lot of fun.  I miss you Dad.

I am thankful for my Stepdad.  He is great to my mom and makes her happy.  He is always upbeat and he is such a sucker for dogs.  It's cute.

I am thankful for my sister Yiff.  She is always great to talk to and a wonderful mother.  She is really good at bargain hunting and I like to go garage sale hunting with her. She has great skin.

I am thankful for my sister Cat.  She is a wonderful mother and I am most like her.  She has a warped sense of humor and doesn't take crap from anyone.  I am usually jealous of her hair styles.

I am thankful for my sister Stacilet.  She is a wonderful mother and a great representation of a true Christian.  I love her house and the way she decorates.

I am thankful for my sister J.  She is my best friend.  I am so glad we are so close now and I don't know what I would do without her.

I am thankful for my brother in laws who take care of my sisters and nephews so well.

I am thankful for my nephews and my niece.  I love them all so much.  They all have such different personalities and life is NEVER boring when they are around. 

I am thankful for my husband's family.  Especially his parents.  They are so kind and caring and have always been there for us.

I am thankful for my best friend Kate.  Even though we go through some droughts in our friendship we never forget about each other and love each other.  Miss you lady.

Most importantly I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   I would be nothing without Him.

I am thankful for so much in my life.  My husband and I have come so far since we first met.  I am so thankful that we don't live in that crummy first apartment we had together, where holes were patched with bandaids and paper - literally (apartment management doing)  and our couch was a mattress on the floor. 

Life is good, and even if the road gets bumpy in the future, I have good people to help me get through it. 

I love you all and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!