Thursday, September 26, 2013

I love the Fall

I really do.  Fall brings on beautiful colors that greatly differ from the deathly look of a Texas summer.  It brings on cooler temperatures.  Waking up to 70 degrees makes me want to put on a sweater.  I mean, I won't.  It's still 70 degrees out there and in no way am I getting goose bumps from the air, but still, I WANT to put on a sweater. 

By September I am digging out my fall/halloween decor and filling the house with scents of pumpkin.  I have seen lately, especially as I browse through Pinterest, the running joke is that Fall brings out the pumpkin fanatics.  I suppose that is true.  I LOVE pumpkin.  Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin coffee creamer, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin candles, pumpkin scones, pumpkin....pumpkin....pumpkin.  I think I saw a recipe somewhere for pumpkin soup.  I may have to give that a try.

Fall means high school homecoming football games.  Which means I get to see parents posting pictures of their daughter's mum's.  If you have never heard of a homecoming mum, just google it.  It's one of the most gaudy but most treasured Texas traditions and I love it to pieces. 

Fall means Halloween, and festivals, and the Texas State Fair, which I have never in all my life actually been to but want to.  (HINT HINT HUSBAND)

It means getting to watch all the old 80's horror movies, and shorter nights, and hot cocoa and burning fireplaces.

But the biggest reason I love Fall so stinkin much, is because Christmas is just around the corner!